[00:00:00] Daryl Cagle: Hi, I'm Daryl Cagle And this is the Caglecast where we're all about political cartoons and we have three brilliant returning editorial cartoonists Adam Zyglis, Randy Enos and Rick McKee who will be showing us their Brilliant Trump cartoons. [00:00:14] Daryl Cagle: And Adam, we're going to start with you. Adam, for the Buffalo News, he won a Pulitzer Prize and a ton of other prizes, and he has a special solo exhibition of his work at the end of September at the Cartoon Museum in Saint Just Le Martel, France, and welcome back, Adam. [00:00:31] Adam Zyglis: It's a pleasure to be here, Daryl. Thanks for having me. [00:00:33] Daryl Cagle: Here you've got, Trump, the butt of the elephant, and he has just pooped, and there's John McCain picking up his poop. This is an old favorite. [00:00:42] Rick McKee: that's great, Adam. I love that. [00:00:43] Adam Zyglis: 2017, back when there was a lot of news happening with Trump and we were drawing him furiously, this funny one about this is I, my editor at the time saw it as a very rough sketch. [00:00:54] Adam Zyglis: And I don't, you know, my paper, you know, overseas and especially in the UK, like potty humor is, is not only accepted, but embraced, but my editors [00:01:04] Daryl Cagle: Editors really don't like poop. [00:01:05] Adam Zyglis: They don't like poop. And in some ways I'm surprised I got away with it. But after the fact, my editor had acknowledged my editor in chief that, um, the sketch was so rough that. [00:01:14] Adam Zyglis: The details weren't very clear. the concept was there in the sketch, but, you know, some of the, some of the minute details. So, I just, yeah, I thought it was, I just liked how his hair also formed a little tail. Yeah. [00:01:28] Rick McKee: Did you, did you get any reaction from, readers? [00:01:31] Adam Zyglis: I did. Yeah. I mean, that was during that period of time. [00:01:33] Adam Zyglis: I was, I had a gentleman that was, I use that word loosely, was threatening me over the course of a year and a half that started with the initial campaign that Trump had. And, this was one that, that triggered him a little bit, but overall, I got this period of time, a lot of support from people who were disoriented by the fast pace of, What Trump was doing and the news he was creating and the unrest he was causing. [00:01:56] Adam Zyglis: So I got probably more positive feedback than negative on this. [00:01:59] Daryl Cagle: this is a lovely one, Adam. this is, uh, Garbage Pail Kids Trump Card, Grifting Grandpa. Major announcement, my official Donald Trump digital trading card collection is here. [00:02:08] Daryl Cagle: Hold the [00:02:09] Daryl Cagle: $99 crypto accepted free classified document with every purchase. That's funny. [00:02:14] Rick McKee: That was a takeoff on his NFT thing. [00:02:17] Rick McKee: These were, [00:02:18] Adam Zyglis: these were, yeah. his digital trading cards. And that's, that major announcement is a direct quote with the caps. the same that, that he announces digital trading cards. So it was really bizarre with this world we're living in is it's just stranger than fiction. You know, you can't hard to satirize reality when it's so bizarre. [00:02:39] Daryl Cagle: I noticed this, his tie is turning into a snake. [00:02:41] Adam Zyglis: Yes. Eating the money from his MAGA supporters. [00:02:44] Daryl Cagle: Excellent. And here you have Trump gremlin, a new batch of election deniers. This is great. [00:02:51] Adam Zyglis: I'm a child of the 80s. You know, I got the garbage pail kid cards and gremlins. I mean, I'm showing my, uh, my age when I grew up. [00:03:00] Adam Zyglis: I love gremlins and yeah, just the new batch and every Every new batch of like MAGA supporters that is perpetuating this they seem a little bit more, you know Something is extra missing from them [00:03:13] Rick McKee: Control [00:03:14] Daryl Cagle: I find myself drawing stuff from the 70s and I see Randy drawing comic strip allusions to the 1930s all the time [00:03:21] Randy Enos: exactly [00:03:22] Daryl Cagle: Because i've been looking at some old books lately [00:03:25] Randy Enos: and I just love them so much. [00:03:27] Daryl Cagle: Oh that explains it. [00:03:28] Randy Enos: Yeah [00:03:28] Daryl Cagle: Oh, here you have Trump the sow with all of the piglets on his nipples. they hang Mike Pence, Trump 2020, the Confederate battle flag, stop the steal. they are being fed by him. that's great. [00:03:40] Adam Zyglis: This one was taken down on social media and I'm guessing because of the noose maybe, but it's just the algorithms, they catch things. [00:03:47] Adam Zyglis: you know, possibly someone complained about it. You never know exactly what [00:03:51] Daryl Cagle: I think. I think it happens from a complaint and they automatically take it down with a complaint. I've got, I do know [00:03:56] Rick McKee: that the algorithm catches a lot of that stuff automatically, like any sort of. Klan, image, uh, Swastika, Hitler, confederate flag, the algorithm catches it and puts it through. [00:04:07] Adam Zyglis: I'm thinking the noose could be it, but. [00:04:09] Daryl Cagle: Are you thinking just of Facebook? [00:04:11] Rick McKee: Uh, specifically Facebook. This was Facebook. Facebook is the one where I notice things taken down more than any place else. And you'll get thrown [00:04:18] Rick McKee: in Facebook jail for posting something like that. [00:04:21] Daryl Cagle: Well, I have four Facebook pages and I put the same thing on all of them. [00:04:25] Daryl Cagle: And I noticed that when something gets taken down, it only gets taken down on one out of four. Um, and I think that's because somebody complained about that one, [00:04:32] Adam Zyglis: That's a good test. [00:04:33] Daryl Cagle: So here you've got Trump and he's Uncle, Sam, doing his loser sign with his now tiny hands. Uh, he says, I want you to be a loser and sucker for the U. S. Army. I think that's, that's very nice. Yeah, he gave that to us. That was a gift. [00:04:48] Rick McKee: you try to, if you ever get in a debate with some of these people, you try to tell them about that. [00:04:53] Rick McKee: They don't believe it. [00:04:53] Adam Zyglis: They don't, yeah. It's just like selective reasoning. They don't see the stories or hear the things. And if they do, and if you tell them, they think that this was a fake news story perpetuated by the liberal media, that he didn't really say that, and it was taken out of context. [00:05:09] Adam Zyglis: They give them 1, 000 excuses, even when it's on, you know, like an actual clip of him saying something or a video. [00:05:17] Rick McKee: Coming from his mouth. [00:05:19] Adam Zyglis: Right. Or in person hearing it from his own mouth. Right. [00:05:25] Rick McKee: Exactly. [00:05:26] Daryl Cagle: Uh, here's a George Floyd cartoon. You've got a fire chief Trump with his, um, knee on the neck of the fire hose that can't put out the racial, racial unrest, I think. [00:05:38] Daryl Cagle: Um, Uh, that's, uh, that's, that's so iconic. [00:05:43] Adam Zyglis: This one, I got a lot of, uh, um, pushback on a lot of hate mail. I'm glad you remembered that the new story and like his pose, because that was kind of critical to it, but it. Did people not get that? I mean, [00:05:57] Daryl Cagle: how can they forget that? [00:05:59] Adam Zyglis: At the time, no, at the time they did. [00:06:01] Adam Zyglis: Um, but it was, uh, it was taken, you know, it's a lot of times when I have a cartoon where it touches a nerve, it'll, they'll, they'll claim that I'm being offensive to, to, you know, being racially insensitive. And I'm, I'm offending somebody else, like the victims. Even though the person complaining did people think this was racially [00:06:23] Daryl Cagle: insensitive [00:06:24] Adam Zyglis: Um, not not people of color, but like people, you know, again, it's like a misdirection It's the it's the trump supporters [00:06:31] Daryl Cagle: that don't yes, [00:06:33] Adam Zyglis: right and but they'll claim i'm being racist. [00:06:35] Adam Zyglis: It's like this weird, you know double speak where There's no other response to it other than i'm being racist myself By calling him racist Racist, you know, it's like a circle. It's just like a circle logic. And, um, yeah, I think just because it was, the topic was so touchy and I think when, you know, if you're a Trump supporter, you know, maybe deep down, you might know this is a vulnerability and he's wrong and you don't want to admit it. [00:07:01] Adam Zyglis: Um, you know, you get defensive when something touches a nerve [00:07:05] Daryl Cagle: So the news guy on TV is reading about the House Intel Committee and he says we've been made aware of a serious national security threat related to Russia. [00:07:13] Daryl Cagle: Trump says, I would encourage Russia to do whatever the hell they want. And the news guy says, I can't really say anymore now. [00:07:25] Rick McKee: Yeah, I mean, what presidential candidate said something like that? It's just, it's mind boggling. [00:07:33] Daryl Cagle: He doesn't like Ukraine and he kind of likes Putin. Here he is with his golden tennis shoe and Trump says there's an old woman who lives in a shoe. She's only three or more like a two. She comes to my rallies and with all of the schmucks and bought my new sneakers for 400 bucks. [00:07:52] Daryl Cagle: That's very funny. [00:07:54] Randy Enos: The beautiful drawing of the shoe. Yeah. [00:07:57] Daryl Cagle: It is. Very nice paint of the gold on this shoe. Who doesn't want [00:08:01] Rick McKee: a gold [00:08:02] Daryl Cagle: tennis shoe? Uh, it's hard to paint gold. [00:08:06] Adam Zyglis: Yeah. But that green undertone. [00:08:08] Speaker: Oh, I should add that this is Rick McKee. Rick McKee was the cartoonist for decades for the Augusta Chronicle in Georgia. He draws the comic strip Pluggers, and we have syndicated Rick for 20 years! And Rick is one of our podcast favorites, who draws great tennis shoes. [00:08:25] Adam Zyglis: Yeah. [00:08:25] Daryl Cagle: So here you've got the bag of guy. He's on the phone. He says, quick woman, get the checkbook. Honest Don needs help paying his 464 million fraud judgment. [00:08:35] Daryl Cagle: That's so true. You don't even exaggerate. [00:08:38] Rick McKee: I tried to throw in, you know, little things like the rotary phone, [00:08:41] Daryl Cagle: live laugh love. That's fun. And this shirt is good. [00:08:44] Randy Enos: Now talk about putting a lot of stuff on the hat. [00:08:47] Daryl Cagle: Here's a serious MAGA hat. Now if I don't get elected, it's going to be a blood bath for the whole country. [00:08:53] Daryl Cagle: Yeah. Who says that? [00:08:54] Rick McKee: You know, this one got some pushback and even from some of our. More conservative cartoonists on the side, but, um, [00:09:02] Daryl Cagle: Did you get other cartoonists complaining about your cartoon? [00:09:04] Rick McKee: Um, not to me personally, but I mean, I've, I've heard, you know, stuff and, uh, to, you know, to say that that's not what he meant is just disingenuous. [00:09:15] Rick McKee: I mean, Oh, it's exactly what [00:09:16] Daryl Cagle: he said. [00:09:17] Rick McKee: Of course. Yeah. It's exactly what he said. and he likes to hide behind these things where, you know, he pretends like he was talking about something else. This is what he meant, you know, and that's, and that's what he said. [00:09:27] Daryl Cagle: You know, I do get complaints from some of our liberal cartoonists about our conservative [00:09:33] Rick McKee: I imagine so. I mean, some of that stuff that I've seen is just kind of insane. [00:09:38] Daryl Cagle: Yes, sometimes they do some crazy stuff. Crazier, I think, than the liberal cartoonists do. So here you've got your 2024 undecided voter and he says, my heart is telling me to vote for Trump, but the voices in my head are telling me to vote for RFK Jr. And he's got all the crazy buttons. [00:09:56] Daryl Cagle: That's a great character. It's very real. Yeah. [00:10:01] Rick McKee: you know, that theory, right? Birds [00:10:03] Daryl Cagle: tell me that [00:10:03] Rick McKee: no, they're all robots created by the CIA and they're, they're spying on us. Oh my God. I don't know if you've ever looked that one up, but I, [00:10:11] Adam Zyglis: you know, [00:10:12] Adam Zyglis: that's wild. [00:10:13] Rick McKee: Yeah. It's hard to, hard to believe, but that's one of the report [00:10:16] Adam Zyglis: Throwback to the lizard people under the earth. Is that kind of, I guess so. [00:10:19] Rick McKee: Yeah. The Pedophile lizard people at the pizza place, [00:10:23] Adam Zyglis: right? [00:10:23] Rick McKee: well [00:10:23] Randy Enos: When Bob Kennedy jr is president, we're going to have a lot more interesting little theories [00:10:32] Adam Zyglis: The worm in his head, yeah I just finished I [00:10:35] Rick McKee: just uploaded that one. [00:10:37] Daryl Cagle: It really makes the conservative cartoonists and the MAGA people angry when you draw MAGA people looking stupid. [00:10:44] Rick McKee: I know, which is why I do it. [00:10:45] Adam Zyglis: Yeah. [00:10:46] Randy Enos: But they look stupid. [00:10:47] Daryl Cagle: It just incenses them more than anything else. You make all the fun of the world of Trump, but you make fun of them. [00:10:52] Daryl Cagle: And, [00:10:52] Rick McKee: Wait a minute. [00:10:53] Rick McKee: Hold on a second. You said it makes the conservative cartoonists angry. It [00:10:57] Rick McKee: makes the MAGA people angry. It makes the conservative cartoonists angry. Are [00:11:01] Rick McKee: you hearing from the conservative cartoonists? [00:11:04] Daryl Cagle: Oh, yeah. It bothers them. [00:11:05] Rick McKee: Oh, really? Yeah, [00:11:06] Rick McKee: they're complaining. [00:11:06] Daryl Cagle: The things you draw that bothered them the most is, uh, this [00:11:09] Rick McKee: really, [00:11:10] Adam Zyglis: it's funny, I, I'm, it's funny that car cartoonists are complaining. [00:11:13] Adam Zyglis: I mean, I think any cartoonist can draw anything. Yeah. I mean, I don't know. I guess I'm more of a, I can't imagine, complain. Even if I really don't like that cartoon, I don't complain about it. I mean, be there, [00:11:22] Daryl Cagle: well, guys are not among the complainers, but, uh. But I get, I get angry email from our cartoonists about the cartoons that other cartoonists draw. [00:11:31] Daryl Cagle: Yeah, no kidding to me. Oh, [00:11:33] Rick McKee: that's, that is blew my mind a little bit. [00:11:37] Daryl Cagle: All right. Well, just know that you're doing a good job of offending those. So here you got Trump and he's mooning the statue of justice and he says, what, why is he's held in contempt of court? That's great. he's been held in contempt before, and I reposted this recently after his latest thing, but I don't think people remember that. [00:11:57] Rick McKee: I don't remember that. Yeah, 2022. [00:11:59] Daryl Cagle: What court cast was that case was that, two years ago? [00:12:02] Rick McKee: I don't even remember. [00:12:04] Daryl Cagle: Oh, probably E. Jean Carroll. [00:12:05] Rick McKee: Probably. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I think, I think that was it. [00:12:10] Daryl Cagle: so you got here, Trump, your title for this was, uh, Trump hoisted on his own petard and I think that's hilarious cause who knows what a petard is and, uh, he's going to be hoisted on that. [00:12:20] Daryl Cagle: it makes me laugh. That's great. [00:12:21] Adam Zyglis: That's a great, simple image. Did you get, did you get pushback on that? Like the noose gives me problems with, um, [00:12:29] Daryl Cagle: The noose is kind of a symbol that touches off black people and, no matter what context is used on like, like this, which is, I don't think there's any racial context to this, but, [00:12:38] Rick McKee: you know, I didn't, I haven't, I didn't hear from anybody on this one, so, [00:12:42] Daryl Cagle: here, I put in another one of my embarrassing. [00:12:43] Rick McKee: Oh, look at that. [00:12:44] Daryl Cagle: This one's also from 2011. [00:12:47] Adam Zyglis: Yeah, he's a little more handsome. With a skinny, skinny trousers. [00:12:50] Randy Enos: Nice hairdo. Oh, hair's great. I'm embarrassed by this. He should be fat. He should have the red tie and the blue suit. His face should be different. And [00:12:59] Randy Enos: the, he looks that's from 2011. [00:13:00] Daryl Cagle: Yeah, we're talking about, Obama, I think back in 2011. [00:13:04] Rick McKee: For the record, I did not see this [00:13:06] Daryl Cagle: before I did mine, [00:13:07] Rick McKee: but that's great. [00:13:08] Daryl Cagle: Oh, yours is funnier. I like the petard thing, which nobody's going to see because it's in the title and they don't print the titles. [00:13:14] Daryl Cagle: Randy Enos is a legendary cartoonist illustrator. In high school, in the 1970s, I admired Randy's strip Chicken Guts, which was the lead strip for the comic section, in every issue of the National Lampoon, which I loved as a high school student. Randy is drawn for just about every publication, the New York Times, Playboy, Times, Sports Illustrated, The Atlantic, Rolling Stone, more. [00:13:37] Daryl Cagle: Publications than anyone can list. And we had a bunch of Randy's old, illustrating stories on my darylcagle. com blog. You should Google them. They are great reads and, Randy, this is a great cartoon. [00:13:49] Daryl Cagle: You've got all of these horrified people with their very iconic Randy Enos teeth. [00:13:54] Daryl Cagle: That's fantastic. [00:13:55] Randy Enos: Right. I had art directors that used to call that the, uh, telephone dial mouth. [00:13:59] Randy Enos: I always, I always felt bad about doing that because, uh, I had a friend, a cartoonist named Warren Sattler, who did mouths, and he did a ring of teeth. That's the way I remember it. He did a ring of teeth, and I always felt that I had copied him. So one day, a million years later, I was lecturing at a little college out here. [00:14:21] Randy Enos: And Warren was in the audience. He was visiting there because his kid wanted to go to college there, and he was looking it over, and I mentioned that I threw a slide up on the screen, and I was telling him how I had copied this from him, and after the lecture, he says, I never drew a mouth like that in my life, so I guess I didn't copy him, I don't know. [00:14:41] Randy Enos: That's crazy. [00:14:43] Speaker: I should add that Randy is making his old cartoons as linoleum block cuts. He's cutting into the linoleum block with a knife and then inking it with a roller, printing it on paper and scanning it in his computer. [00:14:57] Randy Enos: Yeah, [00:14:58] Randy Enos: I used a nail set, by the way. I used to use, instead of the cutting tools, I used a carpenter nail set to make those little dots. Oh, so the teeth were easy, just punch, punch, punch. Yeah, yeah, you know. [00:15:11] Daryl Cagle: Very good, I'm glad you're not my dentist. Okay, so here's Trump's past poop about to hit the fan. [00:15:17] Daryl Cagle: You've even got to do it on your shoe. So you're doing the [00:15:18] Rick McKee: color on the [00:15:19] Daryl Cagle: computer? [00:15:19] Randy Enos: Yeah, I was doing the color on the computer in these [00:15:21] Daryl Cagle: days. Here you were? Because you used to paint these onto your lino cuts in color. [00:15:26] Randy Enos: No, no, no. Oh, yes. Well, that's a whole other story. But that's with the magazine illustrations. [00:15:32] Randy Enos: And, uh, when I had more time, like if I had an hour to do an illustration instead of 20 minutes, you know. so it's a long complicated procedure. I used to use Pantone papers. Do you remember them? You know, Pantone? Anybody remember that? [00:15:47] Rick McKee: Yeah, I remember. [00:15:48] Randy Enos: They stopped making them now. [00:15:49] Randy Enos: I've got a, I've still got a ton of them. Well, I used to ink the block, uh, red, print on a green paper, ink it red again, print on a yellow paper, ink it blue, print on a green paper. The whole picture. I could theoretically take this whole picture and print it several times, different colored inks on different colored papers. [00:16:06] Randy Enos: Then I'd cut. the pieces out that I wanted to from all the different illustrations or the different prints and paste it together. I didn't go, I didn't have to go through that with this kind of situation, but that was when I was making big full blown color illustrations. You know, it was a long complicated process. [00:16:26] Randy Enos: One time I did a rush job for Time Magazine, and we didn't have time for a rough or anything, and so quickly over the phone, I told him what I'd do, and he says, that's great. And I said, I'll get right on it. He says, okay, I'm putting, uh, I'm putting a car on the, on the road to come and get it for, you know, a limo, to come and pick it up for you right now. [00:16:45] Randy Enos: Because in those days, Time would send a limo to your house, you In Westport, Westport was full of illustrators, you know, and so they would send the car to pick up the job. So here I am. Wow. I'm drawing on the lino cut. I am cutting, cutting like a maniac. I got all my colored papers there. I'm rolling print all this time. [00:17:06] Randy Enos: I'm visualizing this guy on the road. He's on the road. on the Merritt Parkway on his way to my house and talk about pressure. That's the kind of pressure we used to work with sometimes with these things, you know. [00:17:19] Adam Zyglis: That's wild. I love the black texture that's got like a, that noise. I love that. It's like not a solid black, like just part of the Is that just part of the process? [00:17:28] Adam Zyglis: I think it would. Yeah, [00:17:29] Randy Enos: I think that is the, my main attraction to this medium, I think was the fact that [00:17:36] Adam Zyglis: imperfection. Yeah. [00:17:37] Randy Enos: Yeah. The imperfections that would show up. And so now I'm trying to work it into my ink drawings. I'm having a heck of a time, but you know, and of course, Daryl will remember, uh, in Chicken Gutz. [00:17:48] Randy Enos: I was blotting all the time. I was sticking my thumb in the ink puddles and I'd have blotches all over the paper, you know, and sometimes I'd write oops on it, you know, and put it in. No, but the textual things is the thing I miss the most. The reason I'm not doing line of blocks anymore is because. [00:18:06] Randy Enos: of arthritis in the fingers. It's, it's a little harder to grip the cutters and do that pushing and do the printing. And also because I have a big studio in my basement, which I'm not using anymore. And I needed that kind of room down there that I have. And now I'm upstairs just on a small drawing board and I just don't have the room to do it. [00:18:25] Randy Enos: So I switched to pen and ink. And colored pencils, which is actually the first medium I ever used in my early, early, uh, pictures, like, one of my earliest clients was Playboy magazine, and I started out doing, pen and ink things with colored pencils. And over the years with working for Playboy, I switched styles three times on them until I got into the lino cuts. [00:18:48] Daryl Cagle: I should say I was in high school the early 70s and I was a big fan of the National Lampoon and Randy's cartoons led off the comic section. They had a big comic section in every issue and his was always on page one of the comic section and It just looked so different than anything else that I was used to in, comics or cartoon drawings at all. [00:19:10] Randy Enos: That's what I was trying to do. [00:19:12] Daryl Cagle: It was actually quite bold of them to put that on the front of, the comic section and it was, wild and crazy looking and, that was fun. That loosened me up at a time when I needed some loosening up and in high school drawing too stiff It was wonderful. [00:19:26] Daryl Cagle: The National Lampoon was wonderful. And, and [00:19:29] Randy Enos: those are the good old [00:19:30] Randy Enos: days. The lampoon never, never gave me any flack about anything. You could do anything you want. There was no censorship. The only problem I has had was I would forget to put commas in, so the editor that would edit, she would tell me where I have to put commas in, or she put them in, in my strip. [00:19:48] Randy Enos: She, they wanted commas in the balloons, you know. She said to me, Randy, if you just put a comma after every word, it would be easier. For me That's the only critique I ever got from them So that's [00:20:04] Daryl Cagle: you know, they didn't have any [00:20:06] Daryl Cagle: they didn't have any computers then so it was hard for them to make all those changes [00:20:10] Randy Enos: exactly and my my best clients are people like Playboy and Oh, even NBC, where they never gave me any, um, there was no critique about what you had to do. [00:20:21] Randy Enos: And often I'd have clients, I had many, many clients where I didn't even have to show a rough. Boy Scout Magazine, you never have to show a rough. And, and, yeah, well, I'm too long winded, so I'm not going to get into these stories, but, [00:20:32] Daryl Cagle: Well, here's another lino cut cartoon. Yeah, I love your lino cut cartoons. [00:20:36] Daryl Cagle: I've got the I've got one of your lino cut cartoons here in the the living room here in uh from with The lino and and not the print and it's it's lovely as the carved block [00:20:47] Randy Enos: did I send you a lino? [00:20:49] Daryl Cagle: Yes. [00:20:50] Daryl Cagle: I don't remember that. What, what is it of? [00:20:52] Daryl Cagle: Uh, it's of a school teacher. My wife is a math teacher. Tell you what, I'm going to go take a picture of it. And in post production, I'll stick it in here. So you can, you can, now you are looking at Randy's lino cut that hangs in my living room. So here you have, Trump, uh, hugging The, Trumpy dog and he says, there's a lot of love here, a lot of love I love for America. [00:21:12] Daryl Cagle: It's a beautiful thing. Unbelievable. That's very funny. [00:21:16] Daryl Cagle: I don't know. I don't remember even doing that one. [00:21:19] Daryl Cagle: That's wonderful. And it's so you. [00:21:23] Daryl Cagle: Orange hair. Yeah. [00:21:24] Adam Zyglis: The pink circle mouth, you know. [00:21:26] Randy Enos: I stay away from some of this kind of stylization because I figure editors are just going to turn off on it completely. Like, yeah, but [00:21:33] Daryl Cagle: it's fun. It is very powerful and it's very different. And, every so often [00:21:37] Randy Enos: You're emboldening me. [00:21:39] Daryl Cagle: Shock people with being bold. [00:21:41] Randy Enos: America First, folks. Remember that group? [00:21:43] Daryl Cagle: You know, there is a [00:21:44] Randy Enos: I don't know what that means. [00:21:45] Daryl Cagle: You know, the Europeans complain about American cartoonists being all the same, and I say, no, that's not true. We've got all these different styles. But, I think what they're reacting to is an illustrated quality that fills the space. [00:21:57] Daryl Cagle: But, I like to mix it up. And I think that something like this every so often is great to shock the reader on the page and, uh, you know, you're shocking them without bad words and obscenity, just by a graphic look. And, uh, I like that. [00:22:10] Randy Enos: I am so glad to hear you say that because I hold myself back from doing a lot of things that I really want to do, but I'm trying to stay a little straighter. [00:22:19] Randy Enos: My new incarnation. I'm gonna, I'm gonna go back to it. You're encouraging me. [00:22:25] Daryl Cagle: Excellent. Here you've got Trump and Mussolini. That's looking good. I think your lino block works for that. Very nice with the undersides of the neck. [00:22:34] Rick McKee: Very stylized. Love that. [00:22:35] Daryl Cagle: And the British firing at Air Force One. [00:22:39] Daryl Cagle: Historic print from the Trump collection. I didn't quite understand this one. [00:22:42] Randy Enos: That's because he Trump made a statement in one of his speeches, he was talking about the revolutionary times, and he talked about how brave our soldiers were, and how they had to fight against the British, and how they had to protect the airports. [00:22:58] Randy Enos: I said, protect the airports. This man thinks that airplanes and we, we had, uh, we were fighting the Air Force. so that's where this came from. And [00:23:11] Daryl Cagle: very good. [00:23:12] Randy Enos: And I've been making fun of that comment of his ever since. I think that's one of his most outrageous comments, [00:23:18] Rick McKee: you know, as outrageous as that is. [00:23:21] Rick McKee: And as you would think, that would be a memorable thing. He says so much. It's such an avalanche. [00:23:27] Adam Zyglis: Right? Right. It's all outrageous. Yeah, [00:23:29] Rick McKee: almost. You forget a lot of [00:23:31] Adam Zyglis: We're [00:23:31] Rick McKee: desensitized [00:23:32] Adam Zyglis: to the outrage, you [00:23:32] Rick McKee: know, you, you think you'd remember If a former president had been held in contempt before, and if it was anybody but Trump, if Biden had ever been held in contempt for anything, everybody would remember it, but because it's Trump and it's such an avalanche of crap that, you know, and I think that's [00:23:51] Adam Zyglis: just don't apply. [00:23:52] Rick McKee: I think that's a strategy. [00:23:53] Daryl Cagle: The old rule used to be that a cartoonist could just exaggerate what's in the news, but when the news itself is exaggerated so much, you have to go different directions to be a little more clever and make some decisions that aren't just simple exaggeration. [00:24:07] Daryl Cagle: And I think that, makes our, our job harder, but it's, uh, something that we should have been doing all along. [00:24:12] Rick McKee: Yeah, I, would agree. It's, it's hard to satirize. When it's just so insane already. [00:24:18] Daryl Cagle: Many cartoons I see are simply just illustrations of the crazy world as it is. [00:24:23] Rick McKee: Right, [00:24:23] Adam Zyglis: right. [00:24:23] Daryl Cagle: So here you've got the card, black card, white card, up card down, and they are all the opposites and Trump got all the questions wrong on his test. [00:24:34] Daryl Cagle: And that's very funny. [00:24:35] Rick McKee: There's his doctor. That's his, what's his name? [00:24:38] Daryl Cagle: Yeah, it's his doctor's teeth too. First the rats, then the children. You've got your Pied Piper Trump. We all draw a Pied Piper Trump. This is an excellent one. [00:24:48] Randy Enos: Right. Thanks. [00:24:50] Daryl Cagle: Trump's odor reveal. Phew. Smells like armpits, ketchup, a butt, and makeup. [00:24:54] Daryl Cagle: You have to pass a break. All his shower stalls are full of secret documents. With a little 1930s, running off here. You've got nothing but blue, pants to identify Trump. [00:25:04] Rick McKee: No, the red tie [00:25:05] Adam Zyglis: and the red tie [00:25:06] Randy Enos: and the smell. [00:25:07] Daryl Cagle: Yeah, of course. Very good. I'll edit that out so I sound smarter. Here's Foxy News and she says, Sir, can you sum up in one word what your basic goal is if you win back the presidency? [00:25:22] Daryl Cagle: And he says, Yes, revenge. There's no exaggeration there. You're just drawing what's on the news. I mean, there was a time when we would exaggerate. Right, [00:25:31] Daryl Cagle: yeah. [00:25:31] Daryl Cagle: and this is lovely. [00:25:32] Randy Enos: Yeah, look at that. [00:25:33] Daryl Cagle: Join or die. Right. Very nice. I could see that Benjamin Franklin tattooed on my chest. [00:25:39] Daryl Cagle: Any of you ever get an email from someone who made a tattoo out of one of your cartoons? [00:25:44] Randy Enos: Yes, [00:25:45] Adam Zyglis: I did. Yeah, [00:25:46] Rick McKee: that's crazy, isn't it? [00:25:47] Adam Zyglis: Yes, very crazy.. [00:25:48] Randy Enos: Well, [00:25:48] Randy Enos: mine was a, uh, an illustration for, Rolling Stone of, um, what's his name? I can never think of the guy's name. The, uh, the guy that thinks he looks like Mick Jagger, you know, that, uh, guitarist. [00:25:58] Randy Enos: Tyler Steven Tyler. Yeah, I did Steven Tyler. Right. I did Steven Tyler with his flamboyant clothes. But, spilling out of his mouth are all his outrageous colors and stuff. I did, I kept them off the body. I kept the body sort of black and white and everything's spilling out of his, mouth. [00:26:17] Randy Enos: So it's a pretty large illustration. And, uh, so years ago, this guy wrote to me and he said that, uh, he was afraid to write to me, but five years before he had had this illustration tattooed on his back. And he showed me. Photographs of this tattoo artist who looked like she was about 16 years old tattooing on his back and from his neck down to his waist is this big Steven Tyler. [00:26:42] Adam Zyglis: Oh my God. [00:26:42] Rick McKee: Wow. [00:26:43] Randy Enos: And, and, [00:26:44] Daryl Cagle: Makes you wonder who he should pay the royalty on his back to. [00:26:47] Randy Enos: That's right. [00:26:47] Daryl Cagle: Is it you or is it Steven Tyler? [00:26:47] Randy Enos: Was afraid to [00:26:50] Randy Enos: contact me. And the only reason he did contact me was because he had a little space on his upper right back and he wanted to know if I had any pictures of Tom Petty. [00:27:01] Rick McKee: Golly! [00:27:02] Daryl Cagle: That's where he's gotta put your signature! [00:27:04] Randy Enos: He also had pictures of himself with, [00:27:06] Rick McKee: When I, when I, when we leave this, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go Google I'm googling it right [00:27:11] Adam Zyglis: now. I know, I can't find it. [00:27:14] Rick McKee: Oh, that's got to be out there. [00:27:16] Randy Enos: How can you find it? I've never seen it on, any of the, uh, not YouTube, but the, uh, Google images. [00:27:21] Adam Zyglis: There is a cartoon you did with Cagle of, Steven Tyler, um, But it's it's not the same. [00:27:27] Randy Enos: Oh, that's another one. It's a giant mouth, but it works. Right, right, right, right. [00:27:30] Randy Enos: No, I know that one. No, that's different. [00:27:32] Daryl Cagle: So here's Trump with his money head and he looks like a tree. Contempt charges. Tell us about this one, Randy. [00:27:39] Randy Enos: Contempt charges. I don't remember now what this is. [00:27:43] Rick McKee: I wonder if this is back from 22. Oh, [00:27:44] Randy Enos: well, I guess, I guess maybe spring had just come or something and I'm showing the tree and I just wanted to make his image, make him look like a tree. and all the money that he's, that he was expending for these contempt charges he was facing. [00:27:58] Daryl Cagle: Here you've got him putting together the truth, and the truth is not quite right. [00:28:04] Randy Enos: I love big, big black letters like that, playing with the [00:28:08] Daryl Cagle: space. Here's your round Trump, definitely not a flight risk. [00:28:14] Randy Enos: When he first started going to the court, things, [00:28:16] Daryl Cagle: yeah, there's no chance he's gonna fly. [00:28:18] Daryl Cagle: It looks great. Yeah. And here are your mega people. They're all doing their, uh, Nazi salutes. well, of course that just drives them crazy for you to draw something like this, but editors don't like any Nazi references like this. [00:28:30] Randy Enos: Well, if he gets elected, they're going to have to get used to it. [00:28:34] Daryl Cagle: You know, again, it's not an exaggeration because you've got Charlottesville and you've got plenty of, nutty Nazis who are going to be going out and voting. Well, [00:28:41] Rick McKee: I mean, you got Trump quoting Hitler, you know, at his rallies. [00:28:45] Daryl Cagle: I did a whole podcast on Trump Hitler. [00:28:47] Randy Enos: Yeah, his favorite author [00:28:49] Daryl Cagle: The summer blizzard of Trump books, there was that time when all the Trump books fell at the same time I think just strategically a few months before the election Yep, I did it. [00:28:59] Daryl Cagle: I did a blizzard of this is There you go Books as well I'm, sorry [00:29:05] Randy Enos: Yours is better . [00:29:06] Daryl Cagle: Oh, well I enjoyed drawing this one. I like yours, beautiful books. Yours has, yours has much more action. That's great. But, uh, I love drawing this and I don't think it got printed much. It wasn't something that, [00:29:16] Adam Zyglis: uh, I like that one. [00:29:17] Daryl Cagle: Yeah. [00:29:18] Adam Zyglis: I like when there's, it's simple, but there's detail. Like it's, it's, yeah. Like, you know, it doesn't take a lot to get through, but you can sit and look at it for a while. I think mine was, um, the bird. Because [00:29:28] Daryl Cagle: these are the actual books. [00:29:29] Adam Zyglis: Right, right. And that's what makes it kind of cool. [00:29:31] Daryl Cagle: Actually, that is so easy to do in Photoshop because these book covers are rectangles so you just drag each corner onto the little blank books I drew. [00:29:39] Daryl Cagle: And I've never had a chance to do that again. [00:29:41] Randy Enos: It's Well, you're such a tech whiz. [00:29:44] Daryl Cagle: Hey, that is the last one. We are at the end of our podcast, gentlemen. Okay. I I enjoyed having you guys. [00:29:51] Rick McKee: Adam. It's good to see you and Randy. Nice to meet you. [00:29:54] Randy Enos: Nice to meet you Rick. [00:29:55] Adam Zyglis: It's great to see you Rick, Daryl [00:29:56] Daryl Cagle: [00:29:57] Daryl Cagle: Excellent. You guys are great on the podcast and we'll just have to do a whole bunch more. [00:30:02] Randy Enos: Okay. Sounds good. [00:30:03] Daryl Cagle: So remember to like and subscribe to the Caglecast wherever you're watching this and join our mailing list at Cagle.com/Subscribe And you will never miss out on a new Caglecast and I will keep you updated on all the best, most popular cartoons as they come out. And, any interesting cartoon news that happens. So Cagle.com/Subscribe And we do appreciate your subscribing on YouTube because we really are trying to make this work on YouTube. Gentlemen, again, thank you for joining me and I will see you next time and, appreciate you coming. [00:30:32] Randy Enos: Bye. My pleasure. Thank you, Daryl. [00:30:34] Daryl Cagle: See you later.